The Forum for Additional Supports Needs Children in Local Education
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For Additional Support Needs Children is there an alternative to full time education within a school establishment and home education? I as a parent of a child with learning disabilities this is what I wanted to explore.

My goal would be for there to be a shared learning experience for my child – what is often termed “flexi-schooling”. The intention is to have a shared responsibility for my daughter’s education with part of the time attending high school and the remainder of her time at home. My reasons for this are, as any parent would want for their child, to provide the best education that can prepare them for their place in society. The flexible education option would give her a balance between academic teaching and the life and social skills she requires. 

I have briefly read about flexi-schooling however on further research found limited information on the subject.

The purpose of this forum is to invite parents, in a similar situation or educators interested in the issues of additional support needs children and anyone who has achieved flexible schooling a place to exchange ideas and discuss issues.

I encourage like minded parents and educators to participate in this forum.

Thank you,  Isabel Buchan.


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