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       Dottie arrived at Tousietykes in October 2007  

It was approximately 4 years ago now that we approached Anne Wilding for a Bendale baby – At the time we were looking for another boy, but the only babies that were available were girls, so we agreed to wait until the right pup came along.  All of us were in agreement that the right pup would happen at the right time.  We didn’t expect to have waited so long, but we are really glad that we did.  When Anne told us about this mating we were over the moon – literally as Brenda Whites Dog Moonhill Philemon Moonshadow of Moonhill was going to be the sire and Bendale Love Me Too was the mum.  The puppies were born on 09.08.07 , we were delighted when we got the phone call from Anne telling us that the babies were here.  It was obviously a magical time.


At this point we still wanted a boy, but fell madly in love when we saw Dotty and decided that she was the pup for us.  This beautiful Blue bitch chose us, and spent all of her time playing with Martin & I.  We knew that there was no going back.  So we arranged for the following weekend that we would again travel to the other end of the Country to bring our delightful girl home. We are hoping that her show name will be “Bendale Blue moon rising over Tousietykes”, but we are still awaiting kennel club approval so we are keeping everything crossed.





She was such a good girl managing to sleep the majority of the journey back, but spent all her time when we arrived home, making her presence known to the other dogs.  Yes Dotty is here to stay.  It did not take her long to encourage Chloe back into a puppy state, and she spends all her time playing with Dotty and really loves it.  Chloe is so gentle and it never ceases to amaze me the bonding that takes place between the breed.  They all get on so well.

It is a magical time for us all,   I hope you too will enjoy some of the magic that Dotty will bring to our web stories.




















Isn't she just perfect ?


Some more photos.......








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