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October 2007

Our new puppy Dotty Has arrived.....first pictures....

.....................Isn't she wonderful?


Tousie's tales

I want to tell you about when my mum took us all to Selmuir woods, we had a wonderful time, with all the wet weather, there was plenty of wet boggy land for us to play in.  I found a particularly nice smelly pond, which both Brae and I enjoyed, Chloe did not want to come in thought, and she really doesn’t like things when they are too smelly.  At the end of a long lane there are some woods, and these woods are full of things to investigate.  Lots of wonderful sniffs – and many new animal friends to make.  There are some squiggle things that live in trees – they look a bit like a rat creature with big fluffy tails.  They chatter a lot and keep throwing things, which isn’t very nice.  One day I will get one and tell him off well and truly.

There was a hedgepig, who was snuffling in the leaves.  But his back was covered in prickly spines.  It kept on rolling into a ball, and Brae thought that it was some sort of strange ball that he could play with.  But it kept on pricking his mouth, so all he did was shout lots.  Mum came to see what all the fuss was about and then she made us leave it alone.  We carried on walking and came to a big stream, wow that was good fun, we all managed to get our feet wet.  The sun had started to go down and it was really time to go home, we were really pleased to see the car, and soon we were in the comfort of our own home and dreaming contentedly of our recent adventure, 

 Braes Brags.

Why do I always get told off for shouting, don’t humans realise it is only cos I am happy – I love it when My mum takes me up on to the Bing (a big hill) and on the top there is a huge bit where I can run and run and run.  There is hardly anyone around so I can shout as loud as I like, and nobody tells me off.  After a while I get fed up and am content with trying to guess what all the sniffs are.  I try and get Chloe and Tousie to join in, but they are not too keen, and just keep on telling me off.  I want to play – They want to go off and investigate.  I try and catch things, they watch and sniff.  I want to run and run and run.  They stay near mum and always make sure that she is still with us - Like she would leave us!




Chloe’s Capers.

The day I followed my lead…

Front -Tousie, Brae, Chloe, Skerry, Rhudi, Hobo
Rear - Sue & Janette


It was a lovely hot sunny day, mum decided to take us out with her friend Janette and our 3 Sheltie friends, called Hobo, Rudi, and Skerry.  We all got into the car and went to a place behind where my mum works, there she parked the car and off we went.  At the end of the track we came across a long straight river, my mum said that it was called the Union Canal, which joins Glasgow to Edinburgh.  It was great fun we were all off the lead and were able to sniff all the flowers and say hello to the local butterflies.  We seemed to be following this path for ages, when mum decided to cut off from the path, and into this really huge field.  We ran and ran and ran.  It was so much fun. Skerry (Who is the Black and white Sheltie and my favourite) is getting rather old so half way round the field mum and her Aunty Janette decided it would be best to try and carry scary the rest of the way.  First of all they tried to put him in Jeanette’s hood.  We went a little way, but it didn’t look that comfy, so mum tried to tie her jacket in a sort of harness that would be able to carry him like human babies.  That did not work either.  So, he was put back on the ground and we started to make our way slowly back to the car.  All of a sudden Mum and Janette were talking about our leads.  Where were they?  Mum was getting all flummoxed as to where she had put them.  In the end it was decided that Janette would sit under the trees with the Shelties as they were beginning to feel really tired, we would go back where we came from and see if we could find the leads.  Mum was going to give up and go home without them, but my lead was new and a pretty red colour. 

I really didn’t want to leave it behind. Tousie went one way I went another, surely between us all one of us could find them.  There was something under a bush, I barked with excitement and ran over to where I thought the leads were, but it turned out to be some rubbish left behind by some naughty people.   Round and round we went trying to retrace our steps, but it really was like trying to find a needle in a haystack.  Then I spied something in the long grass, it was glistening and seemed to be sort of red coloured, I went to investigate further, I was worried in case it wasn’t what I thought it was, Soon I was right on top of it - yes! It was our leads, I barked and shouted for the rest to come and join me to see how clever I had been to find the missing leads. Mum, Mum, I barked, then she heard and came running over to see what all the commotion was about.  I had saved the day, our leads were safe in my mum’s pockets and we made our way back to Janette, who by this time was lying in the sun with the Shelties all around her.  We did laugh when we got back together, and I went back to the car with a secret smile on my face, After all I found the leads!!!!!





 Did you know...?

Dogs can smell 100 times better than we can.
Dogs actually have a vomiting centre in their brain that allows them to vomit at will.
A dog's mouth is cleaner than a human.
Dog saliva is 99% water and 1% mucus.
Dogs can learn over 300 words, phrases, and commands.
The olfactory gland (scent gland) in a dog's brain is the size of a large walnut, while ours is the size of a pea.
Dogs can't see warm colours except for yellow, but they can see cooler colours including black better than we can.
A dog's muscles rebuild every 75 days.
Bathing a dog more than once a month may actually dry out his skin.

How to get Mum out of bed. (by Chloe)


I have found the best way to get mum out of her bed is first to pinch her mobile phone, then if she doesn’t respond pinch her hair scrunchy, then if she still does not respond take her glasses, that is a sure way to get her up.  Always make sure that you take her toys outside, as it has a better affect.  Place all the toys in a neat pile on the patio and sit sweetly next to them, that way you don’t get told off and you will be successful in your mission.

  1. JUMP

Jump up and down on her, when you see her face make sure that you supply 

lots of kisses, that way you ensure that you do not get told off.  Find your favourite toy and give it to her to play with, but make sure that it is nice and soggy.  Sometimes this does not go down too well, and can carry a telling off.


This is one of my favourites, but mum doesn’t think so.  If you care reach really high in the kitchen you can get hold of the t-cloth.  If you pull really hard you can get it onto the floor and drag it to your water bowl.  Just put a corner into the bowl and it sucks up all the water.  When you think it is wet enough just drag it to where she is sleeping and put it on her face.  THAT GETS HER UP!

"TO DIG OR NOT TO DIG" (by Chloe)

I have found a place where it is brilliant to dig – I love to dig!,  Behind the Car House, a place where the car goes to sleep. Mum and Dad cannot get to the back…..  BUT I CAN…  I have been able to make a hidey-hole, and guess what when the water comes from the sky, the hole gets all muddy – I Love Mud.  I can go and play in it to my hearts content, but when I get back into the house, everybody chases me and then they put me in the bath – they say that I am prettier when I am clean.

 What do you think?







Spring 2007

Tousies Tails

Well that is Easter over, and I did not get any eggs, but my mum did buy me a new toy, a white fluffy stuffed dog doesnt say much, but I can throw it around lots.  Mum has just been away on holiday, she took Chloe with her but us boys stayed behind and had a week of boy fun.  No-body to shout at us when we made a mess, I like dad he lets us get away with lots of treats when mum is not around.

Dad and Fraser had something called a curry, I tasted some when they had finished.  It was horrible it made my lips tingly and stingy.  Why do humans sometimes enjoy such horrid food?  Nothing can beat a good old fashioned marrow bone, thats what I say.

I have to work really hard when mum is not around, as I have to guard the house and make sure that everything is where is should be.  Brae has a habit of pinching things, and even if it is not eatable he will try to eat it anyway.  He likes socks especially and toilet roll tubes.  Me, I prefer underwear, I like to run around the garden and show it to all the neighbours, but if mum is around she gets cross.

Spring is definitely here, dad says that is why mum has gone away on holiday with Chloe, I heard him talking on the tellingbone, saying that she is too young for puppies and that I have to stay away from her.  I think that is so unfair as she is such a pretty girl and I get butterflies in my tummy when we play together. Shes does look different somehow, Dad says its cos shes growing up.

Still I am sure that my mum and Chloe will be back soon and we can play lots then.  I wonder if mum will bring me a present she normally does……………………….

Braes Brags

Tousie is so bossy, he keeps on telling me what to do, I shout back at him, but then he does not talk to me, so I just have to shout louder.  If he still doesnt talk to me I go into the hall, and shout there but nobody listens, they just say that I am noisy.  I go into the garden to tell the whole world what is happening, all they say is Shut-up; anyone would think that they did not want to hear what I had to say.  Its so hard being a Brae dog!

Before mum went away she cooked a luvely roast beef dinner, I have never seen such a big bit of meat I think it must have been half a cow!  There she was, in the kitchen; making lots of nice smells, there were those Yorkie pudding things that she makes, lots of roasted plant things ( Tatoes, tulips and smeed) lots of yummy gravy.  Makes my mouth water just thinking about it.  Well, my mum had taken the beef out of the oven, I was very good, and I just watched her.  She left it in that silver stuff for ages and then dad was called to the kitchen to cut it up.  Then they all sat down for their dinner, I thought that they had forgotten about us!

Mum always make extra Yorkies so as we all can have one when they have finished eating, the sniffs were getting too much for me, but like a good boy I sat and waited in the hope that they would remember that it was our dinner time too.  We were all given our Yorkies and mum went to tidy up the kitchen, once she had finished she said that she was going upstairs onto the compooper to finish off some work that she had to do.  Dad went outside and was doing something in the garage, and then Fraser who is the youngest human in our house went to the loo.  Now was my chance, - I went into the kitchen on hind legs (No-one hears me when I do that, or if they do they just think it is another human) went over to the bench reaching as far as I could..  If I stretched my neck really hard I could just about reach the corner of the silver stuff that covered the meat.  I tried and I tried and eventually my prize came to me.  I grabbed the meat and ran as fast as I could, but I was not fast enough.  Fraser came into the kitchen and caught me in the act.  He took my prize from me and then threw it in the bin thing.  He shouted up the stairs to my mum who came running down.

She really told me off, she then went into the bin and got the meat out as it was just sitting on the top and still had that silver stuff on it.  Guess what she did then?  She cut all the meat up into small pieces and to my excitement gave it to us all for dinner.  What a treat that was, and I didnt have to pinch it again.  It did mean that I had to share with Tousie and Chloe, but that didnt matter It was Roast Beef for dinner……….

Chloes Capers

Mummy took me on holiday last week. We went to a place called Turriff, which is in Aberdeenshire.  We were staying with mum’s friends; I have been there before they are really nice humans called Dee & Alex.  They give me lots of treats.  They have lots of hairy friend’s aswell, some are called affieghans, there is a little hairy thing called Chelly who is a Lhasa but every time she squeaks they call her Louise? They also have a Border collie puppy called Meghan, and she is very naughty, she tried to get me in lots of trouble.

When we went on one of our walks, Meghan ran away.  She tried to get me to go with her, but I just wanted to stay with my mum.  We played Chase me, lots of times but on the last time Meghan did not want to come back, she just wanted to go on an Adventure.  When my mum tried to get her to comeback, she fell over and hurt her ankle I stayed with my mum and made sure that she was all better.  I think that it was all my licks and huggles that made her feel ok and ready to finish our walk.

When we arrived back to the cottage, Meghan was already there and was wondering what all the fuss was about; after all, she came back!

The next day we went for a very long walk, I really enjoyed all the sniffs! I met something called “a pig” apparently he was a “Gloucester Old Spot”, silly name if you ask me – I much prefer Chloe, Tousie or Brae.  He had a lot of Girlie pig friends, and he didn’t like me cos he came running up to the fence making very rude noises.  Turned out that he had babies and that it why he was so cross.

The sun was shining and we started on the walk back to the cottage, there were smells everywhere, some that I had not smelt before.  Eventually we came to the lane that lead up to the cottage.  We were half way up when I heard this really scary noise it was so loud – it reminded me a bit of when daddy sneezes, but louder.  As we walked further up the hill, I could see what was making the noise.  It was like a horse, but was smaller.  It had big pointy uppy ears and my mum said it was something called a “domkey”, was that something that opened doors? Perhaps it was some sort of magical creature that could open locks by just looking at them or perhaps it used the rather strange tail that was dangling behind!  He tried to say hello to me but I was so scared that I stayed in the middle of mums legs until we were safely passed.

I liked being on holiday, but was missing my dad and the two boys (Tousie & Brae), and I wondered who Fraser was playing with as I wasn’t there.  I was beginning to feel homesick and was really glad when I heard my mum saying that we would be going home on Saturday.  We did have lots of adventures though, and I cannot wait until we go again.

Saturday came and were we home. Everything was just where I left it…………………….

I fell asleep and dreamt of pigs and domkeys!!!!! And a Black & white collie



February 2007


Valentines Day Special

Tousie's Loves........

Here are  a couple of photographs of the loves in my life 



The first is a beautiful girl called Giselle.  I have admired her from afar ever since I was a young dog.  She is beautiful both on the inside and out.  I only wish that she lived closer. She is 9 years old and lives in USA  Her human mum makes lovely bows and things for her hair, you can check out her website here 

Giselle is also a therapy dog, and so has many human friends, and I get very jealous!

I will just have to keep her in my heart as my long distance love…….  



Chelsea (Bun Bun)  

This is the second love of my life,  Her name is Arrinagour ‘dream
come true’ but I call her my Chelsea Bunbun. 

I have know her ever since I was a puppy, we have played together several times, and I think she is also pretty,  She is the mother of several of my nephews and nieces, as my brother took her heart first.  We are great friends though and meet up at shows and events.  Who knows perhaps one day I will be lucky!

My mum is great friends with her mum,  and although we do not get to see each other as often as we would like, my mum and Aunty Ella always talk on that voicebox thing called a tellingbone.  (It’s not really a bone cos I have tried to chew it when I was little.)



Chloe (Potential heartbreaker)

These are the guys I share my pad with, and I love them both. As yet nothing serious, cos I want to see the world first! ....anyway I'm in love with my Dad!


                    Tousie                                              Brae


Brae (One Track Lover)

Brae's only true love is food! especially the forbidden variety. 

If there is no one around then ITS MINE.......

If its in the pan and no one is looking ITS MINE......

If it has fallen on the floor ITS MINE....

If you can't catch me ITS DEFINITELY MINE !                       



January 2007

Firstly a very happy New Year to all our Beardie friends.   We had a wonderful time even though we went down with the dreaded flu.  The weather was absolutely horrible and the Tousietykes enjoyed lots of playing in mud and pond stuff, even though we dont have a pond.  The Garden is a boggy mess, but is great fun all the same especially if you are a beardie. 

Tousie's Tails

 "We had a visitor over Christmas, it was uncle Steve, he is a friend of mum and dad, I can remember him from when I was a puppy.  I was so pleased to see him, but I dont think that he remembers how big I am.  I used to jump on his head when I was a puppy, and play lots of games with him, but now he would only let me jump on the back of the settee and attack him from there.  He seemed not to want me to be his new fashion accessory.  I thought that a brown fluffy scarf would have been everyones taste. Especially when they are as good looking as me.”

 “There was lots of nice treats for us to eat, but only when mum and dad were not looking."

As the oldest, I had to make sure that everyone was on best behaviour. But sometimes, when the Bi-peds were not looking I had a quick game of tuggy with Chloe and a big blue monkey that Santa Claws left under the tree.  I did staid awake but Santa is so magical I missed him."

"My mummy knows a lovely lady in California, called Terry Chacon who does really beautiful sculptures, and paintings - she did this one of me cos my mum asked her to.  As my mum likes witches, wizards and things, she has always said that I was a wise wizard she wanted me to have a wizards hat on.



" Well, what do you think?  My mum loves it soooo much she has put it on the mantle for all to see.  If you would like to contact Terry, there is a link to her webpage below and also shown on my page of favourite links.  Mum says that it is well worth a visit.  If you want to see any of her work in real life, my mums got lots.  I am sure she will be only too pleased to show off all her beardie things.. www.terrydchacon.com

Brae's Brags

 “There was so much food in our house, it must have been Christmas, I thought I had the bestest present ever but it turned out to be something they called Christmas dinner.  Mum was not concentrating on what she was doing as she was feeling poorly, and when she took the yummy turkey roast out of the oven and left it on the kitchen bench to cool, the temptation was just too much for me.   I managed to pick it up and was just about to take it into the garden, when my big bro Tousie, started to shout ever-so loudly and gave the game away. Although mum was cross,  I did not get told off much, as I managed to give  the look and that always wins them over , didnt get much of the turkey tho.!”


.....Anyway I prefer sausages..!

Chloe's Capers

"Wow, lots of presents to open, the paper was great. Mum made me wear strange things in my hair, she liked them but I couldnt wait to get into the Garden, which because of all the rain, was great fun.  I could run with Brae and go  plodging in the clarts. And lose my strange hair things under the bushes and trees.

Uncle Steve was great fun, I was able to give him lots of kisses and then give some to my dad, and then more to Steve, and then mum.  You dont realise how hard it is to keep all these bi-peds clean.

I have found that I like Clementines, not sure about eating them, but they are great fun to kill.  Trouble is they keep spitting at me, bit like that ginger cat that lives here, but without the sharp bits.   I like Tom (thats the cats name) but he gets cross with me when I pull his tail.  I like doing this, but I dont think he enjoys it as much as me.  He does like to lick me a lot tho specially when I am sleeping.”

Tom's Torments



Tom is roughly about 12 (we are not really sure), he was a rescue cat that we took on when he was a small kitten.  He was diagnosed at an early age with feline leukaemia which resulted in him having all his teeth removed at the grand age of 4 (also the raids on the home made tablet which he made in the middle of the night).  He now has only one eye as he had an operation in 2006 to remove a tumour which resulted in the loss of the eye.  He is a wonderful cat and puts up with a lot.  He spends a lot of his time with the beardies, however, he is not frightened to give them the odd swipe when they are getting too boisterous.  Since he had his eye removed, he has turned into a different cat.  In fact it has given him a new lease of life.

Gives a whole new meaning to the expression One eyed and toothless or was that a song?

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