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Published Articles Andrew McLeman - Apparently now the number 1 authority on the cost implications of single bed hospital wards!!!!
In June 2008 just after the Scottish Government announced that any new hospital build would, to help combat MRSA and the like, only in the future have single bed rooms and no multi bed wards, a "Scotland on Sunday" newspaper journalist phoned me late afternoon on a Friday (was I the only QS still at my desk at that time?) for a comment from a Professional Construction Cost Consultant on the cost implications of this decision was likely to have.
Coming at it cold I however In a ten minute conversation considered various items such as the extra circulation requirements, the extra sanitary appliances etc, and the more inefficient shape - e.g. narrower wings to achieve single room outside windows, and so a greater external floor to wall ratio and more land required to build.
I discussed also that designers would have to be as ingenious as the could be to make it work, but that retrofitting, if that was the next stage , would be considerably more problematical. I thought on the whole it would be a good idea, and any extra building costs would be recouped fairly quickly in savings in less disease control.
I was put on the spot to say how much extra this was likely to be, and acknowledging that wards/rooms are only part of any ward equation, and that efficiencies would be found, I came up with a figure I thought was realistic of 10%.extra.
Of course this 10% is what the Scotland on Sunday (front page!) article homed in on, and repeated almost verbatim in the next days Daily Mail including my quote. I even thought my "well considered initial " figure might be shot down in flames, or raised a discussion somewhere? - but no ...it seems that it was accepted by everyone without any dissention!
Then as a result of this initial interview, I was approached by the magazine "Public Service Review" to include 200 words for their April 2009 issue on various aspects of single bed versus four or more bed wards, repeated below. As now I appear to be the primary "expert" on this subject, it is presumably only a matter of time till I get my TV break ! !
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