Indian Head Massage, Yoga, and Reiki
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  About Linda 

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About Linda

Linda was trained in Dru Yoga but remains an Independent Yoga Teacher concentrating on Hatha Yoga whilst still enjoying the beautiful flowing sequences that attracted her to yoga in the first place.  

1996 was quite a year. Linda changed career, started her yoga training, became a Reiki Practitioner and experienced Indian Champissage for the first time.

Another major change happened in 2013 when Linda went full time into her business.

Linda holds weekly Wednesday evening Yoga classes in Mid Calder. The classes provide the opportunity ‘to make an appointment with yourself’ and help to overcome the stresses and tension of everyday life. The classes are also fun and often full of laughter, along with a handful of of close friends Linda finds the ladies and gentlemen of her classes to be a very supportive group indeed.

As an independent Reiki II practitioner Linda believes that the subtle yet sometimes powerful effects of Reiki are there to be enjoyed and respected by all who are ‘open’ to receive it.

Indian Champissage – Indian Head Massage – has brought a whole new dimension into Linda’s life, training and qualifying in 2010. She was excited about its future and the good effects of her treatment and rightly so, as she has seen the effects of her treatments allowing her clients to leave feeling very relaxed and able to think more clearly.

Linda/s certificates - Click to view full size

Indian Champisage Certificate - Click the picture to view full sizeReiki 1st Level certificate - Click to view larger size

 Reiki Level 2 certificate - Click to view larger size Bowen Certificate - click to see larger

Yoga Certificate

Linda lives with husband Stephen and their two cavaliers, Teddie and Daphnie   



Linda wishes to promote some special links to some of her friends websites..

Pat an old friend whose online shop sells gifts and prints with illustrated pet and animal pictures

Andrew a very special web designer

Margo the person who got me into yoga!


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