Indian Head Massage, Yoga, and Reiki
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Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is the Japanese word for 'Universal 
Life Force Energy'. It is a very ancient method of hands-on healing 
which was re-discovered in the late 1800's and introduced to the 
western world in the mid 1970's.

Reiki balances and works on four levels of existence:- Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual. Reiki helps to balance and strengthen the body's energy, promoting its ability to heal itself. Reiki is received either lying down or sitting whichever is more comfortable. The recipient remains fully clothed and the practitioner's hands are placed on or above the body as appropriate. Reiki does not clash with any other healing system and therefore may greatly enhance the positive effects of other therapies. It can also be used alongside orthodox medicine to help maximise recovery and may help reduce the side effects of drugs, chemotherapy etc. The energy often makes the recipient feel very relaxed and peaceful and can help relieve stress, depression, anxiety and pain.

The Reiki Principles

Just for today , I shall....

bulletnot worry 
bulletnot anger  
bullethonour my teachers, parents, neighbours and friends 
bulletgive thanks for all living things 
bulletearn my living honestly 

Consultations are £30.00 per (45 minute) session - allow one hour for the appointment, 
e-mail Linda
Email or phone 07742 063 080 for an appointment or more details.

Treatments at my purpose designed Therapy Room in Mid Calder

View my Reiki Certificates by clicking the images

Reiki 1st Level Certificate - Click to view larger size Reiki 2nd level certificate - Click to view larger size


Click here for more information
on the preparation required for a 
Reiki treatment session.


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