Bowen Bodytherapy - for Pain Relief BOWEN BODY THERAPY Fast.. Gentle… Effective…Painless Developed in Australia by Tom Bowen, Bowen is a non-invasive energy release treatment. It involves gentle movements of the therapist’s thumbs and fingers over the connective soft tissue of the body; this is accompanied by intervals where the therapist leaves the proximity of the client allowing the body time to absorb the total benefit of the moves. BOWEN gently balances, realigns, energises and harmonises the
body, promoting the flow of energy and encourages the body’s own innate
healing system. It is a treatment that assists the body in healing itself
quickly and effectively. It is performed on the areas where pain exists and can
be done on the skin or over light cotton clothing. A one hour appointment costs £28.50 Home | Indian Head Massage | Reiki | Yoga | Contact Us | About Linda |